How clients rate our Wills & Inheritance Lawyers in Spain...

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Sabela was very helpful in helping me (someone who lives overseas) understand the complexities of Spanish inheritance law, tax and practice. She was responsive and spoke good English which really helped as my Spanish is not good. Would highly recommend Sabela.
07 Jun 2024
Trustpilot Review

Probate Law: Wills & Inheritance

Dealing with inheritance law in Spain can be a complex affair, particularly if you're an expat or have recently inherited assets within Spanish territory. That's where engaging a proficient probate lawyer in Spain becomes crucial. It's about making the journey less daunting, especially when language barriers exist.

Our English-speaking lawyers are highly experienced in probate and inheritance law in Spain. 

This experience is critical in making the legal process smoother, ensuring your concerns and needs are addressed without any language hindrances. Our objective is to make legal discussions about inheritance in Spain straightforward and less intimidating.

Our process is simple and client-centric. From the initial discussion to wrapping up the legal paperwork, we stand by you, ensuring every step is well-communicated and tailored to your unique circumstances. Our lawyers in Spain are not just proficient in inheritance law, they're approachable, making every interaction comfortable and reassuring for our clients.

Below you will find a list of the areas in probate law that our lawyers can assist you: 



Probate Law: Wills & Inheritance
Our Lawyers dealing with Probate Law: Wills & Inheritance

Our Inheritance & Wills Services in Spain

All Inheritance & Wills Articles

Inheritance Tax Spain: A Tale of Sun, Sand, and Steep Taxes

In this article, you will discover how the Spanish inheritance tax system works, including the legal background, who is liable to pay tax, which assets attract inheritance tax, how much inheritance tax is payable, which allowances you can claim and the process step-by-step for paying inheritance tax. Additionally, we will cover... Read More

Spanish Law when someone dies

It is said that approximately two-thirds of people in the UK die without making a will. It is an unfortunate fact that many with assets in Spain fail to make a valid will either in Spain or in their country of origin. This can leave their families having to try to manage at a distance a complex legal matter - Spanish law when so... Read More

New Inheritance Laws in Spain

If you are a foreign national living in Spain, or simply with assets in Spain and wish to ensure you have everything in order, by drafting a Will in Spain you will no doubt wish to know whether Spanish or English law would be applied to the distribution of your estate. As a result of new inheritance laws in Spain, the legal fra... Read More

Wills in Spain

Wills in Spain - who they're for and why they're importantUnderstanding cross-border inheritance is crucial for anyone with assets in multiple countries, especially those with property in Spain. This article will guide you through the complexities of managing a Spanish estate, navigating intestacy regulations, and addressing the... Read More

Succession Tax in Spain: how to legally pay less

Spanish succession tax can swallow-up a huge percentage of any inheritance, and so it is worth planning ahead as carefully as possible to avoid the lion’s share of any legacy winding up in the Spanish government's coffers. Of course, it may be that investments and purchases have already been made and therefore there remains l... Read More

Spanish Inheritance Tax in Aragon

Feel free to browse and/or download this presentation about Inheritance Taxes in Aragon, from our Tax expert- English speaking lawyers in Aragon, Spain. You might be interested as well in this read: Property taxes in Aragon.... Read More

Spanish Inheritance Tax in Cantabria

Feel free to browse and/or download this presentation about Inheritance Taxes in Cantabria, from our Tax expert- English speaking lawyers in Cantabria, Spain. You might be interested as well in this read: Property taxes in Cantabria.... Read More

Spanish Inheritance tax in Mallorca

Dealing with Spanish inheritance tax can be overwhelming for many. To add to the complexity, many regional variations profoundly affect the amount of tax you may have to pay. Feel free to browse and/or download this presentation about inheritance taxes in Mallorca, Ibiza and Formentera from our local English-speaking legal an... Read More

Spanish Inheritance Tax in Ibiza

Feel free to browse and/or download this presentation about Inheritance Taxes in Ibiza, from our Tax expert- English speaking lawyers in Ibiza, Spain. You might be interested as well in this read: Property taxes ibiza.... Read More

Spanish Inheritance Tax in Murcia

It is not easy dealing with Spanish inheritance tax. However, there are some important tax allowances that you can avail of when inheriting an estate in Murcia, Spain. Feel free to browse and/or download this presentation about Inheritance Taxes in Murcia, approved by our local English-speaking legal and tax experts. ... Read More

Spanish Inheritance Tax in Madrid

Feel free to browse and/or download this presentation about Spanish inheritance tax in Madrid, from our local English-speaking legal and tax experts. Madrid is renowned for permitting among the highest levels of allowances in Spain - find out how you can reduce your tax liability substantially.  ... Read More

Spanish Inheritance Tax Catalonia

Understanding the enhanced allowances you are entitled to is the first step to reducing your Spanish inheritance tax liability when inheriting an estate located in Cataluña. Feel free to browse and/or download this presentation about Inheritance Taxes in Catalonia, approved by our local English-speaking legal and tax experts... Read More

Spanish Inheritance Tax Andalucia

Spanish inheritance tax is a complex topic, with regional variations determining allowances that you can benefit from when inheriting assets in Spain.Feel free to browse and/or download this presentation about Inheritance Taxes in Andalucia, from our Tax expert- English speaking lawyers in Andalucia, Spain. You might be intere... Read More

Spanish Inheritance tax in the Canary Islands

Feel free to browse and/or download this presentation about Inheritance Taxes in the Canary Islands, which applies to Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote and Fuerteventura. Regional allowances are typically much more generous than those permitted by the central government, so it is vital to understand how you can benefit from t... Read More

Spanish Inheritance Tax in the Valencia Region

Many people who inherited or received a gift of property in the Comunidad Valenciana Region received  a “supplementary demand” for inheritance tax (Impuesto sobre Sucesiones y Donaciones). This was based on an increased valuation of the property by the tax authority in the Valencia Region. The tax authority was using pow... Read More

Spanish Inheritance tax in Alicante

Advocate Abroad's professional network gathers selected experts in Inheritance tax in Spain.Since our legal and tax experts are located throughout Spain, you will be able to find English-speaking Inheritance Lawyers in Spain near me with minimum effort. Feel free to browse and/or download this presentation about Inheritance T... Read More

Spanish Inheritance Tax in Galicia

Dealing with Spanish inheritance tax can be a daunting prospect for most. With this useful guide, you can quickly determine which tax allowances you are entitled to avail of, when inheriting an estate in Galicia, Spain.... Read More

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