Rositsa, Lawyer in Bulgaria

Rositsa has been a qualified lawyer for more than 10 years. During that time, she has become an expert in the field of civil and business law. She helps foreign businesses interested in entering the Bulgarian market and establishing a local office in Bulgaria. She also helps English-speakers who have property interests in Bulgaria - be it the purchase, sale or inheritance of real estate. She can also assist in matters of family law. Rositsa speaks her native Bulgarian and is also fluent in English.
Specializes in 7 legal fields
Professional details
Regulatory Body
Bar Association of Bourgas.
Year Joined
Regulatory Body Website
Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" .
Matriculated: 2010.
Degree: M.L. Law
Associations Memberships & Responsibilities
Member of Bulgarian Bar Association, Burgas Bar.
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- Bulgaria, Sofia-City, Sofia
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